Nudo mixteco
- angeles cruz
- 04/06/23

Nudo mixteco
Ángeles Cruz
Ángeles Cruz
Sonia Couoh, Eileen Yáñez, Noé Hernández, Aída López, Myriam Bravo, Jorge Doal
Lucía Carreras, Lola Ovando
V.O. cast, mixteco
Subt eng, eus
25 June / 18:30
Con la participación de Ángeles Cruz
México / Fic / 2022 / 91 min
Three stories intertwine during the patron saint’s celebration in Oaxaca. María buries her mother, her father rejects her and, in uncertainty, she proposes to her childhood sweetheart to leave with her. Esteban returns after three years to discover his wife is living with another man; enraged he calls the village people to prosecute her in an assembly. Toña relives her own pain in the face of the abuse of her daughter when she returns to confront her family in order to protect her.
2022 Premios Ariel, Mejor Ópera Prima; CIFF. Festival de Cine de Cleveland, Nuevos Cineastas; Lesbianismo y Género, Zinegoak; HFFNY. Festival de Cine de la Habana Nueva York, Mejor Dirección; FICM. Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia, Mejor Guion Largometraje.