- 03/02/20

Dir: Alexandre Moratto
Gui: Thayná Mantesso, Alexandre Moratto
Cast: Christian Malheiros, Tales Ordakji, Caio Martinez Pacheco, Rosane Paulo, Jayme Rodrigues
Brazil | 2019 | 94’ | Fic
O.V. Brazilian Portuguese, with Spanish subtitles
After his mother’s sudden death, Socrates, a 15-year-old living on the margins of São Paulo’s coast, must survive on his own. As he faces isolation because of his sexuality, his search for a decent, worthy life reaches a breaking point.
Surprising film, produced by Fernando Meirelles with local youths at risk of social exclusion participating in the scriptwriting and on the technical team.
2018: Festival Mix Brasil (Melhor Filme, Diretor, e Ator), Festival do Rio (Prêmio Félix), Mostra de São Paulo (Menção Honrosa), Woodstock Film Festival (Ultra Indie Award), Thessaloniki Film Festival (Mermaid Award)
2019: Mannheim-Heidelberg International Film festival (Outstanding Performance as an Actor), Miami Film Festival (Jordan Ressler First Feature Award), Festival do Rio (Prêmio Félix), Uruguay International Film Festival (First Work Award)
Basque premiere