ZG PRO is the space that Zinegoak dedicates to the film industry, specifically to innovation research and training in relation to LGTBIQ+ audiovisual production. This area is essential to raise the visibility of agents and spaces that work in the development of cinema related to sexual diversity, identity and gender, and to bring these agents closer to specialised training spaces.
Whilst it is true that in recent years there has been more queer cinema in commercial circuits that reaches the public through theatres with great success, for most projects this remains an impenetrable wall. For all these reasons, ZG PRO 2024 continues to support the creation of LGTBIQ+ film projects at a local, national and international level.
To support this trend, we once again count on the collaboration of the Network of LGTBIQ+ Festivals Southern Europe, which includes Queer Lisbon and Queer Porto, Mix Milano, Chéries-chéris from Paris and Zinegoak.
A new feature of this edition is the inauguration of the State Network of LGBTIQ+ Laboratories, formed by Fire!! Lab, from the Mostras Fire!!! in Barcelona; the Queercinelab, which includes the Fundación Triángulo festivals: Lesgaicinemad, Cinhomo, Andalesgai, Fancinequeer and the ZG PRO space from Zinegoak which, together with the San Sebastian International Film Festival (SSIFF), is establishing a first collaboration through the ZG PRO Industry SSIFF Award this year. Each laboratory will award one of its projects, guaranteeing the presence, participation and access to the different industry forums of the SSIFF to the producers of the winning project. All this with the aim of creating an alliance that gives more visibility and promotes LGTBIQ+ projects.
Besides, the digital marketplace for film and TV projects, Incoproduction, is once again on board, increasing its collaboration with the creation of the ZG PRO Work in Progress (WIP) platform, andwith Music Library & SFX support.
ZG PRO will take place over two days. On 27 June in the Bastida hall of the Azkuna Zentroa (AZ), master classes will be delivered by different leading professionals from the audiovisual and cultural sector at local, national and international level; and on 28 June in the Iparragirre hall of the AZ, where ZG PRO Lab will take place. At this event, the selected projects will be presented in pitching format, a workshop will be conducted by DAMA and one-to-one sessions will be held with the ZG PRO jury members.
All ZG PRO activities are open to the general public, however, special attention is paid to professionals in the sector and students interested in training in the field of the film industry with a focus on LGTBIQ+ culture.