Bizi Bisexualitatea eta euskal komunitatea
What do we need to make bisexuality a more liveable and pleasurable political identity? Promoting bisexual culture has been one of the consequences of interviewing ten Basque people in 2023. This has been the focus of the second year of the Bizi Bisexualitatea project: we have created a transmedia report to map Basque bisexual culture, we have uploaded artistic creations and the fanzine to the web as well as organised talks… And finally, once again, the party!
21:00 Presentation
21:15 Bertso-saioa · Maddi Ane Txoperena & Janire Arrizabalaga
22:00 Show · Albina Stardust
22:30 DJ Eromena

Team: Oli Artola Apeztegia, June Fernández, Olaia L. Garaialde, June Baoza Pagaldai, Ainara Fernandez Beristain, Eider Alberdi Begona
Sponsors: Histeria Kolektiboa, Zinegoak Elkartea, Sra. Polaroiska
22 June
Bira Kulturgunea – 21:00