Lopek zioenez: Sin mí, sin vos y sin Dios
- 05/06/24
Lopek zioenez: Sin mí, sin vos y sin Dios
The students of Dantzerti’s Practicum II programme present, under the direction of Matxalen de Pedro, a performative reflection of collective creation on gender and sexual diversity. Drawing on the words of classic fictional characters and the discourses of contemporary queer theories, the team seeks answers to their own questions about gender and sexual desire. Theatre is a safe space to test diverse identities and desires and present them to an audience, under a cover of fiction.
Dir: Matxalen de Pedro
Play: Sormen Kolektiboa
Stg Design: Martín Barandiaran
Cost: Ainhoa Areitio
Cast: Anartz Langara, Adriana Navarro, Marina Ostolaza, Adriana Pascual, Carla Ruiz, Lucía Toraya, Lucía Viera
22 June
Bilborock – 20:00