The Last Year of Darkness

The Last Year of Darkness

The Last Year of Darkness

Wu Ye Chu Zou 午夜出走

The film revolves around a small club called Funky Town, the go-to party space for a group of twenty-year-old DJ’s, drag performers, lovers, ravers and skaters in China. In this unassuming corner bar hidden by Chengdu’s construction cranes, five locals escape their stress, even if it’s only for the night. But as the sun rises and the cranes begin to move again, our protagonists are forced to face what brought them to the party in the first place.

 2023 IDFA. Festival Internacional de Documentales de Ámsterdam; CPH:DOX. Festival Internacional de Documentales de Copenhague, Mención Especial; Visions du réel. Festival Internacional de Cine de Nyon; AIFF. Festival Internacional de Cine de Atenas; Festival Internacional de Cine de Camden; SXSW. Festival de Cine South By Southwest Sídney.

China – USA

Doc / 2023 / 95 min

Dir: Ben Mullinkosson

Scr: Foivos Dousos

Cast: Yihao, Kimberly, 647, Gennady Baranov, Darkle Chan, Tonglan Qiu

Prod: Sol Ye, Anita Gou, Sam Intili

Comp. Prod: A Florence, Kindred Spirit, Wavelength Production

V.O. gchi, eng


Golem – 26 june – 17:30