ZG PRO is the space that Zinegoak dedicates to the film industry, specifically to innovation research and training in relation to LGTBIQ+ audiovisual production. This area is essential to raise the visibility of agents and spaces that work in the development of cinema related to sexual diversity, identity and gender, and to bring these agents closer to specialised training spaces.
Whilst it is true that in recent years there has been more queer cinema in commercial circuits that reaches the public through theatres with great success, for most projects this remains an impenetrable wall. For all these reasons, ZG PRO 2024 continues to support the creation of LGTBIQ+ film projects at a local, national and international level.
To support this trend, we once again count on the collaboration of the Network of LGTBIQ+ Festivals Southern Europe, which includes Queer Lisbon and Queer Porto, Mix Milano, Chéries-chéris from Paris and Zinegoak.
A new feature of this edition is the inauguration of the State Network of LGBTIQ+ Laboratories, formed by Fire!! Lab, from the Mostras Fire!!! in Barcelona; the Queercinelab, which includes the Fundación Triángulo festivals: Lesgaicinemad, Cinhomo, Andalesgai, Fancinequeer and the ZG PRO space from Zinegoak which, together with the San Sebastian International Film Festival (SSIFF), is establishing a first collaboration through the ZG PRO Industry SSIFF Award this year. Each laboratory will award one of its projects, guaranteeing the presence, participation and access to the different industry forums of the SSIFF to the producers of the winning project. All this with the aim of creating an alliance that gives more visibility and promotes LGTBIQ+ projects.
Besides, the digital marketplace for film and TV projects, Incoproduction, is once again on board, increasing its collaboration with the creation of the ZG PRO Work in Progress (WIP) platform, andwith Music Library & SFX support.
ZG PRO will take place over two days. On 27 June in the Bastida hall of the Azkuna Zentroa (AZ), master classes will be delivered by different leading professionals from the audiovisual and cultural sector at local, national and international level; and on 28 June in the Iparragirre hall of the AZ, where ZG PRO Lab will take place. At this event, the selected projects will be presented in pitching format, a workshop will be conducted by DAMA and one-to-one sessions will be held with the ZG PRO jury members.
All ZG PRO activities are open to the general public, however, special attention is paid to professionals in the sector and students interested in training in the field of the film industry with a focus on LGTBIQ+ culture.


Visual artist, researcher, curator, mediator

Videographer, djLaNïn, curator

Writer, researcher

Writer, translator

Researcher, teacher, writer, curator, activist
27 June
sala Bastida aretoa
Azkuna Zentroa
Con el tiempo la maleza se impone
Sonia Fernández Pan (Writer and Researcher)
This is an attempt to think with weeds from a wild storytelling stimulus. I will be accompanied by intuitive gestures, friends, senses in disorientation, films, multiple origins, conversations, roots in transit, laser drawings and good bad weeds.
27 June
sala Bastida aretoa
Azkuna Zentroa
Some Kind of Hope.
Tau Luna Acosta
In contraposition to the end of the world imagined from the global north, in the south we have lived through systemic ends of worlds that have always implied, not without pain, the imagination of others and their constant germination. We sustain the germination of worlds from rage and love, tools for the construction of hope as a political technology to grow seeds even in soil that seems infertile. In my work, visual arts, collaborative experiences and audiovisuals come together to think between humans and more-than-humans about the dignification of life in the midst of migration, territorial displacement, sex-gender dissidence and the colonial extractivist order.
27 June
sala Bastida aretoa
Azkuna Zentroa
Round Table
Dance! The queer party as a political space in image
In the 80’s the political of the body was manifested, immediately the moment of the party became a space for resistance. Queer body claims inhabit the sphere of being able to be in joy at the same time as in the construction of sexual policies and dissident practices.
The party is pain, rage, love, desire, pleasure, the party is the rhythm that sets, makes hearts feel in unison. The party means dancing and fighting for the vindication of bodies, for the bodies that can exist as a result of the vindication.
How are political languages reinvented in the party? What is the point of intersection between the being and doing of the party and the queer body?
Anaís Córdova-Páez, Sonia Fernández Pan, Danele Sarriugarte, Fefa Vila Núñez in a multi-voice dialogue will share queer experiences around the place of movement, music and partying as a constantly censored, persecuted and celebrated image.

28 June
sala Iparragirre aretoa
Azkuna Zentroa
10:00 – 14:30 / 17:30 – 18:00
The ZG PRO LAB 2024 day will begin with the presentation of ZiNaizen, a competition for the creation of audiovisual content organised by Naizen, the Association of Transgender Children, in collaboration with Zinegoak. The rules of the competition will be announced, the aim of which is to promote the creation of audiovisual content that makes visible the varied realities of transgender children.
The selected projects in progress will be presented afterwards in pitching format, which will be eligible for the different ZG PRO awards, granted by the jury, made up of professionals from the film sector and a representative of the LGTBIQ+ Festivals Network Southern Europe.
The morning session will end with a talk to be given by DAMA, a Spanish management organisation specialising in the collection, management and distribution of authors’ rights in the audiovisual sector, on rights management and film production.
In the afternoon, the one-to-one sessions will take place and the day will conclude with the prize-giving ceremony.
10:00 Presentación. ZiNaizen.
10:30 Sesiones de pitching 5 proyectos (30 min/proyecto).
13:30-14:30 DAMA. Gestión de derechos de autor de obras audiovisuales.
16:00-17:00 Sesiones 1-1.
17:00-17:30 Premios.

Margherita Ghetti
Is part of the Programming team of the Mix Milano – International LGTBIQ+ Film Festival and Queer Culture, Italy. She also curates communication and programming for events related to Wanted Cinema distribution catalog. She holds a PhD in Film & Media from the University of California, Berkeley, where she taught History of Italian Cinema. In her decade in California, she has had several roles in programming and communications for the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) and Mill Valley Film Festiva (MVFF).

Zuri Goikoetxea
Since 2010 she has been working as a scriptwriter, director and producer at Doxa Producciones. Her works and collaborations have won selections and awards at festivals such as Cannes, San Sebastian, Gijón International Film Festival-FICX, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival-CPH:DOX and Nyon International Film Festival-Visions du réel, among others. It is worth mentioning her selection at Berlinale Talent in 2021, the audiovisual residency at Matadero Madrid during 2018 with the film Cabeza y corazón, and the production in 2021 of Una voz para Erauso, by Cabello/Carceller, for an exhibition at the Azkuna Zentroa curated by Paul B. Preciado.

Ainhoa González Sanchiz
Head for Creative Europe Desk MEDIA Euskadi’s office from where she works in the promotion of Basque cinema. She has participated in the most important international markets of Europe and has been actively involved in organizing innovative and active presentations/workshops – important tools for education and networking – between Basque but also European film professionals.

Peter Stephens
Partner of Music Library & SFX, sub-publisher and exclusive representative for Spain of the Audio Network production music catalogue. An experienced project coordinator, his duties include managing collaborations, the participation of ML&SFX/Acorde (music supervision division) in events and the development of the AltMusic catalogue. Through AltContent publishing and production company, he is co-producer of the documentary My Way Out, by Izaskun Arandia, released in theatres in 2023. He collaborates with more than a dozen festivals in Spain, awarding different production and musical consultancy prizes for films.

María Basagoiti Salazar
María has a degree in Audiovisual Communication and a master’s degree in Business Management in the Film Industry. She has spent more than ten years producing programmes, reality shows and fiction at Mediaset, Video Media and Pausoka, among others. From 2021 to 2024 she managed the start-up of the OTTs Primeran and Makusi, and is now at EITB as co-manager of broadcasting rights and co-productions.
ZG PRO Laborategia Award (1.000 €)
Awarded to the outstanding project of the ZG PRO Lab 2024 edition.
Music Library ZG PRO Award
Sponsored by Music Library & SFX. It consists of a set fee with access to the AudioNetwork and AltMusic production catalogues, as well as 360º music monitoring services, discounts on commercial music rights negotiation fees and the provision of studios and SFX, with an estimated value of €1,500.
Industry SSIFF ZG PRO Award
This is an initiative developed by the State Network of LGTBIQ+ Laboratories in collaboration with the SSIFF. It consists of a travel bag, accreditation, travel and accommodation for two days at the SSIFF, as well as an agenda of meetings with various production companies and industry agents.

Dir: Iker Oiz Elgorriaga
Prod: Isabel Sáez Pérez
Anuar has a lifelong dream: learning to dance and shining on stage. We share the day to day life of the dance group he has founded: the Kiki House of Anunnaki. A pioneer in her city, she brings ballroom culture and vogue dancing to the streets of Iruñea-Pamplona. We accompany Anuar and his LGTBIQ+ family on the road to success and the search for their own identity and discover the ballroom culture, created by transsexual and racialised identities in the seventies in New York.

Dir: Daniel Alegrete
Prod: Santiago Skiappa
A journey through the memories of Larri, the founder of High, the first gay club in the Basque Country. Located in Bilbao, it opened its doors in 1977 and although other similar clubs soon appeared, they all ended up closing down. Nevertheless, the High persisted, remaining practically the same as it was four decades ago.

Los Siento
Dir: Bella Cintra, Laurent López de Gardey
Prod: Rodrigo Lavorato
Feature-length trans/queer documentary that delves into the marginalisation of trans people’s feelings. It paves a way between the audience and these people to achieve a connection that does not happen in real life.

Las niñas de Canchas
Dir: Raul Villalba Palacin
Prod: Noor Husheri Pastrana
Valentina is on the verge of turning eighteen. On the eve of her birthday, she sneaks out of the behavioural centre where she is being held because her family is unexpectedly visiting her.

Los versos perdidos
Dir: Susana Ramírez de Arellano
Prod: Michèle Massé
Spain, 1936. A group of young people attempt to set out to set Lorca free, but everything goes wrong and they have to flee on a harrowing journey, where they will have to find their own way through the conflict if they want to save their lives. A journey for which no one has ever fully prepared them.

ZG PRO is the space that Zinegoak dedicates to the film industry, specifically to innovation research and training in relation to LGTBIQ+ audiovisual production. This area is essential to raise the visibility of agents and spaces that work in the development of cinema related to sexual diversity, identity and gender, and to bring these agents closer to specialised training spaces.
Whilst it is true that in recent years there has been more queer cinema in commercial circuits that reaches the public through theatres with great success, for most projects this remains an impenetrable wall. For all these reasons, ZG PRO 2024 continues to support the creation of LGTBIQ+ film projects at a local, national and international level.
To support this trend, we once again count on the collaboration of the Network of LGTBIQ+ Festivals Southern Europe, which includes Queer Lisbon and Queer Porto, Mix Milano, Chéries-chéris from Paris and Zinegoak.
A new feature of this edition is the inauguration of the State Network of LGBTIQ+ Laboratories, formed by Fire!! Lab, from the Mostras Fire!!! in Barcelona; the Queercinelab, which includes the Fundación Triángulo festivals: Lesgaicinemad, Cinhomo, Andalesgai, Fancinequeer and the ZG PRO space from Zinegoak which, together with the San Sebastian International Film Festival (SSIFF), is establishing a first collaboration through the ZG PRO Industry SSIFF Award this year. Each laboratory will award one of its projects, guaranteeing the presence, participation and access to the different industry forums of the SSIFF to the producers of the winning project. All this with the aim of creating an alliance that gives more visibility and promotes LGTBIQ+ projects.
Besides, the digital marketplace for film and TV projects, Incoproduction, is once again on board, increasing its collaboration with the creation of the ZG PRO Work in Progress (WIP) platform, andwith Music Library & SFX support.
ZG PRO will take place over two days. On 27 June in the Bastida hall of the Azkuna Zentroa (AZ), master classes will be delivered by different leading professionals from the audiovisual and cultural sector at local, national and international level; and on 28 June in the Iparragirre hall of the AZ, where ZG PRO Lab will take place. At this event, the selected projects will be presented in pitching format, a workshop will be conducted by DAMA and one-to-one sessions will be held with the ZG PRO jury members.
All ZG PRO activities are open to the general public, however, special attention is paid to professionals in the sector and students interested in training in the field of the film industry with a focus on LGTBIQ+ culture.


Visual artist, researcher, curator, mediator

Videographer, djLaNïn, curator

Writer, researcher

Writer, translator

Researcher, teacher, writer, curator, activist
27 June
sala Bastida aretoa
Azkuna Zentroa
Con el tiempo la maleza se impone
Sonia Fernández Pan (Writer and Researcher)
This is an attempt to think with weeds from a wild storytelling stimulus. I will be accompanied by intuitive gestures, friends, senses in disorientation, films, multiple origins, conversations, roots in transit, laser drawings and good bad weeds.
27 June
sala Bastida aretoa
Azkuna Zentroa
Some Kind of Hope.
Tau Luna Acosta
In contraposition to the end of the world imagined from the global north, in the south we have lived through systemic ends of worlds that have always implied, not without pain, the imagination of others and their constant germination. We sustain the germination of worlds from rage and love, tools for the construction of hope as a political technology to grow seeds even in soil that seems infertile. In my work, visual arts, collaborative experiences and audiovisuals come together to think between humans and more-than-humans about the dignification of life in the midst of migration, territorial displacement, sex-gender dissidence and the colonial extractivist order.
27 June
sala Bastida aretoa
Azkuna Zentroa
Round Table
Dance! The queer party as a political space in image
In the 80’s the political of the body was manifested, immediately the moment of the party became a space for resistance. Queer body claims inhabit the sphere of being able to be in joy at the same time as in the construction of sexual policies and dissident practices.
The party is pain, rage, love, desire, pleasure, the party is the rhythm that sets, makes hearts feel in unison. The party means dancing and fighting for the vindication of bodies, for the bodies that can exist as a result of the vindication.
How are political languages reinvented in the party? What is the point of intersection between the being and doing of the party and the queer body?
Anaís Córdova-Páez, Sonia Fernández Pan, Danele Sarriugarte, Fefa Vila Núñez in a multi-voice dialogue will share queer experiences around the place of movement, music and partying as a constantly censored, persecuted and celebrated image.

28 June
sala Iparragirre aretoa
Azkuna Zentroa
10:00 – 14:30 / 17:30 – 18:00
The ZG PRO LAB 2024 day will begin with the presentation of ZiNaizen, a competition for the creation of audiovisual content organised by Naizen, the Association of Transgender Children, in collaboration with Zinegoak. The rules of the competition will be announced, the aim of which is to promote the creation of audiovisual content that makes visible the varied realities of transgender children.
The selected projects in progress will be presented afterwards in pitching format, which will be eligible for the different ZG PRO awards, granted by the jury, made up of professionals from the film sector and a representative of the LGTBIQ+ Festivals Network Southern Europe.
The morning session will end with a talk to be given by DAMA, a Spanish management organisation specialising in the collection, management and distribution of authors’ rights in the audiovisual sector, on rights management and film production.
In the afternoon, the one-to-one sessions will take place and the day will conclude with the prize-giving ceremony.
10:00 Presentación. ZiNaizen.
10:30 Sesiones de pitching 5 proyectos (30 min/proyecto).
13:30-14:30 DAMA. Gestión de derechos de autor de obras audiovisuales.
16:00-17:00 Sesiones 1-1.
17:00-17:30 Premios.

Margherita Ghetti
Is part of the Programming team of the Mix Milano – International LGTBIQ+ Film Festival and Queer Culture, Italy. She also curates communication and programming for events related to Wanted Cinema distribution catalog. She holds a PhD in Film & Media from the University of California, Berkeley, where she taught History of Italian Cinema. In her decade in California, she has had several roles in programming and communications for the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) and Mill Valley Film Festiva (MVFF).

Zuri Goikoetxea
Since 2010 she has been working as a scriptwriter, director and producer at Doxa Producciones. Her works and collaborations have won selections and awards at festivals such as Cannes, San Sebastian, Gijón International Film Festival-FICX, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival-CPH:DOX and Nyon International Film Festival-Visions du réel, among others. It is worth mentioning her selection at Berlinale Talent in 2021, the audiovisual residency at Matadero Madrid during 2018 with the film Cabeza y corazón, and the production in 2021 of Una voz para Erauso, by Cabello/Carceller, for an exhibition at the Azkuna Zentroa curated by Paul B. Preciado.

Ainhoa González Sanchiz
Head for Creative Europe Desk MEDIA Euskadi’s office from where she works in the promotion of Basque cinema. She has participated in the most important international markets of Europe and has been actively involved in organizing innovative and active presentations/workshops – important tools for education and networking – between Basque but also European film professionals.

Peter Stephens
Partner of Music Library & SFX, sub-publisher and exclusive representative for Spain of the Audio Network production music catalogue. An experienced project coordinator, his duties include managing collaborations, the participation of ML&SFX/Acorde (music supervision division) in events and the development of the AltMusic catalogue. Through AltContent publishing and production company, he is co-producer of the documentary My Way Out, by Izaskun Arandia, released in theatres in 2023. He collaborates with more than a dozen festivals in Spain, awarding different production and musical consultancy prizes for films.

María Basagoiti Salazar
María has a degree in Audiovisual Communication and a master’s degree in Business Management in the Film Industry. She has spent more than ten years producing programmes, reality shows and fiction at Mediaset, Video Media and Pausoka, among others. From 2021 to 2024 she managed the start-up of the OTTs Primeran and Makusi, and is now at EITB as co-manager of broadcasting rights and co-productions.
ZG PRO Laborategia Award (1.000 €)
Awarded to the outstanding project of the ZG PRO Lab 2024 edition.
Music Library ZG PRO Award
Sponsored by Music Library & SFX. It consists of a set fee with access to the AudioNetwork and AltMusic production catalogues, as well as 360º music monitoring services, discounts on commercial music rights negotiation fees and the provision of studios and SFX, with an estimated value of €1,500.
Industry SSIFF ZG PRO Award
This is an initiative developed by the State Network of LGTBIQ+ Laboratories in collaboration with the SSIFF. It consists of a travel bag, accreditation, travel and accommodation for two days at the SSIFF, as well as an agenda of meetings with various production companies and industry agents.

Dir: Iker Oiz Elgorriaga
Prod: Isabel Sáez Pérez
Anuar has a lifelong dream: learning to dance and shining on stage. We share the day to day life of the dance group he has founded: the Kiki House of Anunnaki. A pioneer in her city, she brings ballroom culture and vogue dancing to the streets of Iruñea-Pamplona. We accompany Anuar and his LGTBIQ+ family on the road to success and the search for their own identity and discover the ballroom culture, created by transsexual and racialised identities in the seventies in New York.

Dir: Daniel Alegrete
Prod: Santiago Skiappa
A journey through the memories of Larri, the founder of High, the first gay club in the Basque Country. Located in Bilbao, it opened its doors in 1977 and although other similar clubs soon appeared, they all ended up closing down. Nevertheless, the High persisted, remaining practically the same as it was four decades ago.

Los Siento
Dir: Bella Cintra, Laurent López de Gardey
Prod: Rodrigo Lavorato
Feature-length trans/queer documentary that delves into the marginalisation of trans people’s feelings. It paves a way between the audience and these people to achieve a connection that does not happen in real life.

Las niñas de Canchas
Dir: Raul Villalba Palacin
Prod: Noor Husheri Pastrana
Valentina is on the verge of turning eighteen. On the eve of her birthday, she sneaks out of the behavioural centre where she is being held because her family is unexpectedly visiting her.

Los versos perdidos
Dir: Susana Ramírez de Arellano
Prod: Michèle Massé
Spain, 1936. A group of young people attempt to set out to set Lorca free, but everything goes wrong and they have to flee on a harrowing journey, where they will have to find their own way through the conflict if they want to save their lives. A journey for which no one has ever fully prepared them.