This cycle of short films presents us with a specific vision of the works made by female creators from all over the world on issues that deal with LGTBI+ realities. Zinegoak is committed to promoting the visibility of the still scarce presence of women in the area of direction of audiovisual projects.
Through this cycle of short films, organized in collaboration with Berdindu! Servicio Vasco de Atención a LGTBI+ (Basque Service of Assistance to LGTBIQ+ People), we offer an overview of the different realities that LGTBIQ+ minors have to face, or those derived from living with these LGTBIQ+ realities.
This cycle of short films brings together different utopian ways of relating to each other, of living our identities or our sexuality. Queer islands in the prevailing normativity that are becoming tangible realities in diverse spaces and social environments.
Through this cycle of six short films, the experiences of people who have had to forcibly leave their hometown or their immediate environment due to discrimination or LGTBIphobic violence are presented. It also shows their experiences in the new welcoming spaces, as well as the stories of those who have returned to their places of origin to proudly claim their place.
This cycle of short films offers a sample of stories of less visible realities within the LGTBIQ+ community.