Fierce: A Porn Revolution

Fierce: A Porn Revolution

Fierce: A Porn Revolution



Patrick Muroni


Patrick Muroni, Emmanuelle Fournier-Lorentz


Mélanie Boss, Nora Smith, Mahalia Taje Giotto, Olivia Schenker, Julie Folly


Stéphane Goël

V.O. fra

Subt cast

1 Jul / 22:00 / Golem

Switzerland  /Fic / 2022 / 97 min

In Lausanne, Switzerland, a group of young women in their twenties embark, camera in hand, on making pornographic films. Between their jobs for some and their studies for others, they make every effort to produce ethical and dissident films. Very quickly, the media of the country, then the public, are interested in them. In the eyes of all, here they are immersed in a fight for another vision of desire and sexuality.

2022 Visions du réel. Festival Internacional de Cine de Nyon; Festival de Douarnenez Helvètes Underground; Festival de Cine Queer de Lisboa; GBFF. Festival de Cine Gender Border Milán; Festival de Cine Atlàntida; Fesses-tival Génova; Chéries-Chéris Festival París; QFF. Festival de Cine Queer Mezipatra Praga; Pink Screens. Festival de Cine Querr de Bruselas; Pornydays. Festival de Cine y Arte de Zúrich; Queersicht LGBTIQA*. Festival de Cine de Berna; LesGaiCineMad. Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT de Madrid; Millennium Docs Against Gravity Varsovia; BFI Flare. Festival de Cine LGBTQIA+ de Londres; Cinémarges Burdeos; Festival de Documentales de Pordenone; Festival Écrans Mixtes de Lyon.